Meet the

The Quppans
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Jeroen Diels
Business development

Jeroen is the driving force behind Quppa and the first point of contact.

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Wouter Meynendonckx
Product development

Wouter is the technical engine that never stops turning. Always up for a new challenge

Why are we doing it?

Disposable cups are so... passé. We think it can be done better and developed Quppa, an easy system for reusable coffee cups. We want to realise the transition to reusable packaging on a large scale. We do this by removing barriers to reuse and giving consumers an active role in the circular economy.
We are building a city-wide re-use system that offers a total solution for different types of reusable packaging. A first step is to eliminate single-use coffee cups. Quppa will enable the transition to reusable cups by focusing on a universal, reusable changeable cup that is available in a wide range of locations.
Although dozens of partial systems for reusable cups already exist worldwide, no player has yet managed to break through on a truly large scale. Quppa is banking on technological innovation and intelligent return logistics to develop a scalable platform that offers companies, organisations and local traders a ready-made solution for reusable cups.

No waste, just taste!